토익에 자주 출제되는 영어 회화 숙어 - T

알파벳 목차
take a fancy to (=become fond of) ~을 좋아하게 되다
I've taken a sudden fancy to those pink pants.
take advantage of + 사물 (=make use of) ~을 이용하다
take advantage of + 사람 (=cheat, deceive) 누구를 속이다
I'll take advantage of my business trip to Paris to see the sights.
The salesman took advantage of me by charging me too much for it.
take one's time (=act slowly) 천천히 하다
You can take your time altering that dress; I don't need it right away.
take something out on (=vent one's anger on a person or object) 어떤 것을 ~에게 화풀이하다
When he's had a bad day he takes it out on his wife and children.
take the bull by the horns (=face a difficult situation boldly) 용감히 맞서다
I'll have to take the bull by the horns and demand a raise from my boss.
take the liberty of (=act on one's own authority without permission from another) (이해해 줄 것을 기대하고) 허락없이 ~하다
I took the liberty of helping myself to a drink.
take the place of (=act instead of) ~을 대신하다, ~의 자리를 차지하다
Robots have now taken the place of workers in some factories.
take to (=get into the habit of) ~의 습관이 붙다
The insane old man has taken to hiding his under the carpet.
take turns ~ing (=do something by turns) 교대로 ~하다
They took turns driving so no one would be too tired.
take A up with B (=raise and discuss A with B) A를 B와 의논하다
We'll have to take it up first with out teacher.
talk someone out of ~ing (=persuade someone to change his or her mind) 누구를 설득하여 ~하지 않도록 하다
I tried to talk him out of coming, but all my advice was useless.
talk over (=discuss thoroughly) ~에 관해 (상세히) 의논하다
Let's talk over the entire plan and see if we discover any flaws.
tell ~ apart (=distinguish between) ~을 구별하다
Gold is similar in color to brass; I can't tell them apart well.
tell ~ off (=scold, reprimand, rebuke) ~을 야단치다
It's time someone hold him off about his disrespectful behavior.
think nothing of (=give little consideration to) ~를 아무렇지 않게 여기다
He thinks nothing of driving 100 miles to see a new movie.
think over (=ponder, reflect about) ~을 곰곰이 생각하다, 숙고하다
I'll have to think it over carefully before I can say yes or no.
through thick and thin (=through good and bad times) 좋을 때나 나쁠 때나
His wife faithfully stuck to him through thick and thin.
to one's heart's content (=as much as one likes) 마음껏
There was so much food on the table that we could eat to our heart's content.
to say the least (of it) (=at the very least) 아무리 너그럽게 말하더라도
It's a boring novel, to say the least (of it).
try one's hand at (=try an unfamiliar task) ~에 (한번) 손 대보다
I'll try my hand at bowling although I've never bowled before.
try out (=test) ~을 시험해 보다
The biochemists tried out the new medicine on real people.
turn down (=refuse, reject) 거절하다
I asked her to marry me but she turned down my proposal.
turn[hand] in (=submit) 제출하다
Don't turn[hand] it in but send it out by mail.
turn over a new leaf (=start again with the intention of doing better) 심기일전하다
He turned over a new leaf and behaved himself in class.